Saturday, July 4, 2020


Praise the Lord Saints of the Most High God!
We wanted to update you on the reopening plans for HOP. 
Following state and local ordinances, we will NOT reopen to the public on Sunday, July 5 for public, in person worship.

We have not set a date when we will reopen for public gatherings. 
SLO and Santa Barbara County leadership are currently tracking multiple health indicators. Those multiple indicators have almost all shifted in the past two weeks towards worsening local conditions.  Our Health Departments deserves considerable credit for their leadership to date and as disappointing as this development is, we are 100% committed to operating as good faith partners with the leadership of both counties.

We will continue to livestream our Sunday morning 10:00 am worship service on Facebook Live. Additionally, we will continue to conduct our Wednesday Bible study via Zoom. Sis. Mary Reneau will continue to create her videos for the Little Disciples class and they will also be uploaded on our Facebook page. 

We are prayerfully planning other virtual activities that will allow us to stay connected and encourage one another. 

Thank you for your patience and loving support for the ministry. 
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 805-723-5111 or email us at


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